My strawberries are starting to spread nicely -hopefull those growbags will be covered before much longer! I have only put 2 plants in each hanging bag and they seem to be doing much better than last year-I have 8 bags in total and quite a few flowers now...
This has beetroot around the outside (and those 3 rogue plants), the scorzonera is in the middles as it has a long slow season and the really thin bits -looking like grass -are a few spring onions...
Some of my pepper plants -but they seem much smaller than a lot I keep hearing about.... at the end of this season I'm going to keep 2 or 3 as I have read that they can be kept all year round...
This is what my patio looks like at the moment -although I have a feeling that in a month or 2 it will be virtually impossible to see any actual patio!!!
and finally for now -this is one of my Nikkos tomato plants -named after the owner of the apartments where we stopped in Kefalonia and that my mum saved the seeds from out of a salad!!! He was growing them on a dry patch of earth between the apartments and they were just left to their own devices... I like that idea ;-)
Well thats reassuring to me - as I have been wondering whether I have planted my beetroot too close to each other - think it must be about 2" between them. Mine are planted in rows in a food storage tub. Seeing how yours look like they are packed even closer to each other - then I guess I'm okay then.
Hi Ceridwen
I wouldn't judge your beetroot by mine....I can't normally get it to do much -so I whacked loads in and I will just remove some once tiny (if they get that far) and leave room for the others to get bigger. I have shoved some more in another tub too as I LOVE fresh boiled/roast beetroot -so Im hoping this will be the year I manage to grow some....
Oh right then...out with some of the smallest ones (just making sure to use the leaves before chucking then...). I used to think I didnt like beetroot - when all I had come across was pickled beetroot. Subsequently - I've discovered grated raw beetroot in salads and steamed beetroot leaves (with a bit of olive oil and freshly-squeezed lemon juice). The tally has just gone up to include young leaves in salad. Well...learning experience time again...still working out correctly just how closely I can space things to get as much as poss.
Hi ceridwen
Im not a fan of pickled beetroot either -although I will eat it if its all there is lol..
I know beetroot is supposed to have a certain amount of space -but when I saw my grandad growing it, it just got round and pushed itself away from each other..so I will see how we go -As I said I normally get the seedlings through and nothing forms below -so this time I am making sure they get loads of water ....
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