Sunday, April 12, 2009


Another stunning day for us again!!!!
I have just been out and set the first 8 slips...the other 4 will join them in a few days.
I have left one bin covered in black plastic -but removed it from the other one as I thought I could see if it makes much difference to the result ;-)

I was going to sink a pop bottle into the middle to make sure I could water them easily -then I remembered my garden tea light holders -so I have sunk one of those in now I can get water deep down into the middle. ...just a pea cane poked down the middle and I have a "dipstick" to check if they need any more water.
I just need to make a plastic showercap for each one and then just wait ..they need 150 days of warmth -so its going to be a long one lol

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