Monday, April 13, 2009


Another glorious day, and more has got done today!!
Hubby has wired the canes that I have through the pots and down ino the troughs for the tomatoes to the fence and addes strings for extra supprts for them once they are big enough to go out -as you can see above they are far from that stage lol .... they are only wee -but really sturdy, the rest are in the other room enjoying the window .
I have also transplanted lots of leeks -took an age... they are nothing more than blades of grass -but they will stay in that tub indoors until they are about as thick as pencils and then I will set them out in their final spot.
Also transplanted the cucumbers -they don't like being disturbed -so I have got some gravy granule tubs, cut the bottoms out and stabbed holes in the lids and then turned them upside down -filled half way with compost and sprayed with water then the original compost and cucumber just dropped on top. So now once they are ready to go out I can just pop the lids off and drop the whole thing into the hole.
The original courgettes and squashes I set have germinated into sturdy little things so today I have set the other varities too! and finally out of the 18 bell pepper seeds I dropped from a pepper in my fridge into a tray of compost the other day -17 are now through lol.
So thats me for today -tomorrow its all the peas turn to get set.... Im getting there slowly

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