Saturday, April 11, 2009

More bits n pieces have been done

I have taken advantage of another glorious day and got hubby out in the garden!!!!
I decided that in my attempt to make the most of every bit of space possible to get hubby to bore holes into the round tubs and run me strings up to the top of the arches -hopefully it will also help to anchor down the arches. "We" got 2 done and then run out of the string -so hubby will do the third when he gets some more string from work.
Im planning on putting 2 different varieties in each tub and a different variety up each side of the arch -so 4 varieties to each a couple of sweetcorn along 1 narrow edge -using the beans as a wind break and the arch to secure them to! and the short french beans along the other short edge as they don't need any support -can't say I waste space ;-)

Just need a couple more days of sun to dry out the lawn -so I can get the lawn mower out and everything nice and tidy

1 comment:

Polly said...

What a fantastic idea.