Thursday, April 16, 2009


We are still getting glorious weather so have managed to get the lawn done for the first time this year and at last I have got some snaps of the garden -so you can see what space I am working with.
I have most of the pots n tubs in place now -no doubt some of the smaller ones will get shuffled around as I fill them -but all the biggies should be staying where they are -afterall I don't want to give hubby a nervous breakdown do I !!!
I have used the space in a much different way to last year... so fingers crossed it works....

As you can just about see I have the arches and tubs running along the "soak away" so have plenty of beans to go in there and I have set out my first 8 sweetcorn plants -so now I need to get another 12 set -today!!
Up in the top right corner is a bit tub where I have basically "plonked" a red/white/black currant, red guzgog and a raspberry -I don't expect them to do much until I move home and can set them in the ground -but they have started to get loads of flower buds on -so fingers crossed -I might get something this year!
I have also got one of those hanging tubular bags on each fence post -9 in total... I set 6 of them yesterday with 2 strawberry plants each... I need to get 6 more for the other bags and also I have 2 damaged platform seats that Im going to put side by side and get hubby to put 2 grow bags on to make a strawberry table -the plants are only 50c each so they are well worth it -we should get that done this weekend, along with the last strings and wires in place on the arches etc...

All of the round pots in the troughs will have Indeterminate tomatoes in -and the same on the other side of the patio. The troughs in front are for a mixture of the determinate tomatoes and peppers. The buckets against the tent are for the 6 cucumbers to go in -with strings attatched for climbing, and the troughs in between will have "something" in once I have decided lol.
Those dustbins have my sweet potatoes in -have some more slips to put in now too, and the arch over them is for a couple of squashes, and there is a bigger arch along side it (over the doors) for either melons or beans...

Then my tent has lots of brassica seedlings in -with room for more so I can have a steady supply -well thats the idea

So there is my space -for now.... lets see what we can get out of it ;-)

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