Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today we have got some more stuff sorted....
Hubby has attatched some left over wire to the 2 arches near the house -so hopefully the squash or melon that will be going there should have plenty to hold onto...

I managed to get the following set:-
  • 8 sugar bon snap peas
  • 8 klein rheinlanderin peas
  • 8 little marvel peas
  • 8 kelvendon wonder peas

I soaked them for about 30 mins before setting to help them along a little then I have put them along one edge of each trough ..then I have decided that once they get going I'm going to set 8 along the other side -by the time the 2nd lot are ready to climb -the 1st lot should be done -then I can just clear them and turn the trough around!! now IF that works Im going to be soooooo happy lol.....

I would just love to be able to grow enough peas to actually freeze some for winter...mind growing enough to actuall get any as far as the kitchen would be a start ;-) .... its gardeners perks -eating the pod peas isn't it ????

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