Some of the crates only have seedling in 1 side -so I will be setting the other side soon, Also my mum is sending me some seed for mini cabbages -called pixie I believe and some "spring" greens that can be grown all year round -so I will need to make room for them in there somewhere!
Yesterday I also got one of my big round tubs set .... I have put beetroot around the outside, scorzonera in the middle and then some spring onions between the two -to make use of the compost whilst the other two take their time to grow. The scorzonera is just long thin roots when it is done so hopefully it will be ok in the middle -whilst the beetroot takes up most of the room on the outside....
Sounds great! The scorzonera is actually classed here in Holland as an old fashioned veg! They used to call it: Poor people's asperages. :D I quite like them actually.
Hi becca
I had seen scorzonera in the supermarket and thught it looked rather odd -then I saw it on the menu when I was in hsopital, so tried it and i loved it(not much veg I don't like -only fennel)...
Im hoping it does well... you see it a lot out here in Germany, but I don't recall seeing it in English supermarkets
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