Sunday, July 5, 2009

more photos

My strawberry table -Im getting a few off every day and have had to cut of 40 trailers off so they carry on fruiting -once they are done I will let the rest grow

My 1st courgette

My first attempts at celery -and "so far-so good"

My beetroot and scorzonera -now I normally fail miserably with beetroot -but these seem to be swelling -fingers crossed


Nonnymouse said...

Your veg look fab!
Well done!

it's SO exciting isn't it?

ceridwen said...

Hi Mrs M

You've got me wondering now....I've got some strawberries and have let the trailers to date get established in adjacent pots (thinking "yay - more strawberry plants coming up"). Do you think I should start cutting any further trailers off now?