Thought I had better do a quick update on what has been going on this week ..despite the overcast n drizzly weather !!!!!!
So -I have mannaged to set :-
- 25 teepee cropper bush beans
- 20 double white bush beans
- 30 Polka yellow dwarf bush beans
They have all been poked straight into the ground -I normally set them indoors in toilet roll tubes but as Im "companion" planting it would be a pain sinking the tubes into the tubs ;-) -so straight in the ground they have gone. I have them along the short edges of the big tubs with the arches in... hopefully enough will make it to provide plenty of beans for the freezer.
I have also got some peas in the short troughs -again, poked straight into the compost -I have seen the first one starting to poke its nose out...
Today hubby has been attatching pieces of sheet wire to my arches -I was thinking of using netting -but not only is it a pain to secure but unless its really tight the beans just weigh it down and make it sag! so its sheet wire (that we had anyway)about 1/3 up each side and then string running between the two to cover the top. We need to pick up another piece or wire tomorrow -the other plus point with the wire is that it is a little wider than the arch -so I can pop an extra bean each side of the arch ;-)..and of course I only have to buy it once... netting would get torn and battered when we have to take the arches down to it would be false economy :-)
Despite having a thunder storm last night the tomatoes and cucumber I put out are still looking great ..still hiding behind fleece mind!!!
The scorzonera and beetroots seem to be coming through great guns-Keep your fingers crossed as I have never done very well with beetroot...which is a pain as I love boiled beetroot -so this year I have set it a little deeper and so far its looking good (famous last words)
Im hoping for a coupel of dry days soon -then the rest of the tomatoes n cucumbers can go out...
How much space have you given your bush beans? it doens't look much??
I've never grown them before but on the packet of my dwarf french beans it says they need 1ft each which seems abit exessive to me but im not sure exactly how much i can get away with?
Hi Leiela
You can't see the beans yet as I only popped them in the other day..
if you look on the post "last years potio" and look at the 1st pic -3rd tub from the right (click on it to enlarge) ... that is what mine grew like last year -although I got confused and thought they were climbing beans..what a waste of a wigwam that was lol
I have only set mine a couple of inches apart -but they are right along the edge as then they will grow and lean out over the edge.
One possible problem with things very close together is that mildew can be a problem as the air can't circulate as well -but that spot where my bean tubs are gets a lot of x wind -so I will be ok ;-)
hmm yeah i see thanks.
i've got a small trough, i've put a couple of canes in with net across im growing mangetout up.
the peas won't take too much space really so i was wondering if i could squeeze a couple of bush beans in as well. It's about 2ft long, maybe 8in's deep,
i bought them by accident i really ment to get climbing onces but im loathed to waste them haha.
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