Friday, May 8, 2009

I have take advantage of a warm humid day today and set out 6 of my peppers -but I have put the troughs in the cold frame for the time being -the weather really can't make its mind up what it is going to do -so better safe than sorry...

The outside 2 are Frigatello and the middle one California wonder
Then the outside two on this one are hot sizzle and the middle one is fiesta..
I have more upstairs but I wanted to get these out as they are needing more compost.
I also have 12 I have grown from a fridge pepper that have proper leaves on but are tiny -so I have popped them behind the fleece around one of the squash tubs as its really warm in there..


J's Mummy said...

Glad to see my peppers are about the same size as yours. I was starting to panic that they weren't big enough and wouldn't have a long enough season. Mine are saved seeds from a fridge one too

MrsH said...

Hi there

I have some smaller ones lol - I thought that If I could get them out into their final place they "might" come on a bit quicker...
If I have to I will leave them in the cold frame and then when they are to tall-tie the doors up and cover with plastic sheeting to make them somewhere nice n warm to stay...

ceridwen said...

Its handy to see the photos close up like this for me I find - as, being a visual person, when I see how many plants you have planted in the space available then I can just "carry" that picture in my head as to spacing on doing my own. Works better than thinking "Its x inches apart for this plant and y inches apart for that plant".

Still learning by trial and error here - I scattered a load of salad leaf seeds in one cat litter tray and rocket seeds in another and dont think that was a good idea. I'm going to have to haul out a lot of them now as best possible. Think next time - I will sow them in groups of 3 (in case of failure to germinate) at say 2" apart in these trays.

I like to do cut and come again type growing myself - its the only way one CAN really grow as a single person - as I only want a few leaves each meal and want to have a good mixture of types too.

I've got a few bowls of various salad plug plants just out unprotected now - figure I should be okay with that - as I'm not in a cold location and I see that my leetle back garden is 5C warmer than my location as a whole (so I seem to have a little microclimate all of my own here out back chez ceridwen.