Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well here are my tomato seedlings so far -now it might look like they are smaller than they were before lol
But I have sunk them lower into the compost -so now all of the stem is underground and hopefully making lots more lovely roots. I did this last year and when it was warm enough to put them out -mine were only 2-3" tall !!!! but they grew into seriously sturdy and healthy plants that gave me loads of fruits. As you can see the first true leaves are appearing -I now have 38 seedlings -I had to set 3 again as they failed to germinate, but I don't think that is bad out of 38....


ceridwen said...


I'm planning on a few more unusual things as well - and wondered if you have any useful advice to give about: comfrey, nasturtium, marigolds and sorrel. Well - the unusual bit abut the marigolds and nasturtiums is that they will be for eating- not decoration. I'm wondering in particular what depth of compost to put them in and how many per square foot I should do. Any ideas welcome...

I cheated on the spinach - I've just bought myself a little tray thingie of perpetual spinach plug plants...

MrsH said...

Hi Ceridwen

I have never grown any of those -although my sister used to grow nasturtiums and we did eat the flowers and the bulbus bit behind that used to be very peppery. I will ask the "fount of all knowledge" that is my mum lol as Im sure she will know ;-) If im right though I remember nasturtiums being quite invasive and covering anything in its way-so I bet they could be encouraged to climb upwards... which would maximise your space.
If you are interested I have loads of seeds -and some things I think might be of use to you for the leaner months and for giving a good yield or for being able to eat al of it
off the top of my head Im thinking of these if the links work -if not I will PM you :-

if you could make use of a few of them -or any of the others listen somewhere on my blog -just PM me and let me know and I can get them to you.

My spinach is just at the seed leave stage -but I will use a lot of it as baby leaves in salads -the rest Im going to freeze up for winter as we live on salads through summer, but even if I have to freze it I plan on using it for soups and the like...