Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Taken advantage of another gorgeous day today and set hubby on -between us, I have wild n wonderfull ideas and then hubby gets to try and transfer my thoughts into something practical lol.............
well today he has done just that .... I was pondering just where I was going to put all my shorter peas to grow then low and behold I had the idea above ;-) .... its basically some of the poles left over from the arches (as I didn't want the to be 7ft high) -so he has sunk them into the ground and then attatched some wire I had from last year -that I couldn't see a use for this year.... and look -we now have a "pea fence"
Im growing 5 shorter varieties -so once they are out in the troughs I am going to set some more -so that once the first lot have about finished I can replace them.

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