My cucumber seem much happier since I moved them up into the gravy least I know I didn't disturb their roots -or I'm sure they would have let me know by now ;-)
out of the 6 varieties Im growing (1 of each) these are :-
The German variety
Crystal apple :-

Fingers crossed that we keep the good weather so these can go out in a couple of weeks...
Gravy pots! I always knew there was another use for them aside from pen tubs for my son. You are a genius!
Hi there
Strangely enough -I have one on the table with pens in ;-)
Hubby thinks Im nuts when I keep declaring that he can't throw things away -but I knew I would think of a use for them -and this is ideal as they don't like having their roots disturbed so when I plant them out I will pop the lids off and drop the pot into the hole and leave it a little proud of the compost-the plan is to then keep the stem out of water when watering as I can use the top or the pot like a collar!
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