I transplanted them yesterday and for someone with "pork sausage fingers" I did quite well lol -mind after transplanting leeks the other day it had to be easier....
This is another crop I have never tried before -so it could be a disaster -but I guess that if I don't try I will never know, fingers crossed for some kind of success as we both love it!
I am growing a self blanching celery loretta ..transplanting was as you say fun but the plants were quite resilient and have perked up quickly
I have a question about the troughs and pot system for tomatoes ...........is the trough for water or for sturdiness(is that a word???
Hi Shaz
The idea with the pot and trough is the old "ring culture" way of growing..
The trough does help with making the plants more stable.. but the main thing is that tomatoes have 2 sets of roots... the ones that grow near the surface are for feeding -
The ones below are for taking water-so you water into the trough as it makes the roots dig down to drink -so they are stronger, and then when I feed them I put it into the top pot..
My celery doesn't seem to be doing an awful lot yet -but Im not giving up... it has one small true leaf ...but thats about it lol
AAh i see thanks
my celery now has a little bunch of leaves and have perked up no end but i vcan't imagine them ever being big enought to go outddors they look so dainty
Too cold her for the tomatoes to go outdoors yet and the greenhouse is already full roll on june...
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