Friday, April 24, 2009


Well today I have been out in the brassica tent -and thinned out the mini cauliflowers -so I now have 38 split over 2 tubs, depending on how well they do -I may need to move thin them further at a later date. They should grow to about the size of a tennis ball -so the "might" be able to stay where they are ;-)
I have moved the end pots around -so now I have more room in there -woohoo!!!! The 2 pots at the end and the troughs are still empty -although it's just a case of deciding what to put in there...


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Loving your blog im doing something similar i have "some" ground space but most of what i have is going in pots this year and they are everywhere.

Quick question i noticed you have plants there in the fold out box type containers, i have a couple of veg type racks i thought that could be used in a similar way, but im worried about soil leaking out of the gaps in the sides did you line yours with anything before adding the soil?

MrsH said...

Hi there Leiela

I have got hubby to line them with cardboard first to stop the compost escaping...
Good luck with the veggies -its addictive!!