Monday, April 6, 2009


Another day done and a bit more sorted...

The mini cauliflowers, turnips and the kholrabi I set outside are starting to appear already..

Inside today I have -
  1. set some more salad leaves -I usually treat all of mine as cut and come again, but I have decided to set some individual ones too in a shuttle tray so they can be allowed to heart up.
  2. set 8 pak choi in the shuttle tray -I will set some more in a couple of weeks.
  3. set 12 broad beans -I had already set some out over winter ..but the bloomin mice got them -we now have a battle on to "remove" the mice ...they are NOT having my beans n peas....I wasn't going to bother replacing them ..but changed my mind ;-)

Hubby has humped another bag of compost upstairs for me -so I can get on with some more setting tomorrow.

I will try and get some more pictures taken much better with pictures to look at

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