Ok -so someone is like an impatient child!!!
I know its early for cucumbers to be going out -but it has been warm here for the last few weeks and so I thought I would test out 1 cucumber (all the tomatoes planted out yesterday were standing to attention this morning -yipee) ... so after sticking my hand into the compost and feeling it was really warm (I think the bucket being black helped) -I decided to bite the bullet and so the "delikatess" cucumber has gone out -as you can see his tendril has allready started to twist around one of the strings. I put plenty of cow dung pellets in the bottom of the compost and then just popped the lid off of the bottom of the gravy tub and dropped it in the hole -the roots were right to the bottom of the pot -so hopefully it will stay strong. I have left the pot proud of the compost as cucumbers don't like their stems getting wet -so I can water into the bucket and not worry about it.... I have now wrapped it up in fleece for the night -so "fingers crossed" it stays ok .... Im planning on setting a replacement the minute he starts to look sad ;-)
Im also going to be popping something like a pepper into the front of the bucket to use up the space...
Do these climb well? I have got 6 plants from your seeds thank you, two grobags and a wall with wire trellis, do you think I can get away with 3 plants per bag as they will be growing up the wall??
Thanks and hope the weather is nicer over there, I was thinking of putting mine out this weekend but I think I will hold off a while yet.
Princess Leia (MSE)
Hi there
Last year I did 3 plants to a trough and they scrambled along and up my tomatoes -they ended up over 6ft long!!!
What I did is get some clips to tie them into the netting, this year I'm making them go straight up strings... they do throw out tendrils that will grab up and hold onto anything -so they do support themselves, the clips just take the weight whilst they get hold.
I think you should be ok with 3 to a grow bag -but if you can I would sink pots with the bottoms cut off into the bag for them to go in -and then water into the growbag as they don't like their stems getting wet -I lost a couple last year because of that...
The weather is still a bit overcast here -but warm and "so far" the cucumber is doing fine -so I hope to get the other 5 out this weekend..
hope you get some decent weather soon.
Thank you I will try that!
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