Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well, i threw back the curtains this morning to find it was snowing!! It made feel so glad that I hadn't started setting loads of seeds any earlier. The only things outdoors are some brassica seeds I set at the weekend and they are in the net tent and under fleece -so they will be fine.
Here is a quick pic of the seeds I have set so far and they are just a fraction of what I have planned.
You might just be able to see the tiny tomato seedlings that appeared yesterday -and also now some salad leaves are just making it into the light...
Last night I also set some leeks and some celery Im going to have a go at -more an experiment fingers crossed ;-)


J's Mummy said...

I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of snow here either in Yorkshire. It's freezing and I'm running out of windowsills

MrsH said...

Its awful isn't it -over the weekend it was bright n dry -although bloomin cold.. then snow and hail the last 2 days -today is just soggy...
I only have a fraction of my seeds courgette, squash, cumbers, peas beans or various other things yet... so Im going to be running out of room too -hopefully I can stagger them enough to no be swamped

RosieB said...

I'm so impressed by your 'green room' and your list of tomatoes! I'm not up to much gardening this year so I shall be gardening by proxy, watching your progress! We've been promised a nice spring-like week next week but not sure what's to come after; I hope you've seen the last of snow for this year