Sunday, March 22, 2009


OK -I thought I would show you my guilty secret....
This is our spare bedroom -which has now been adopted as a temporary potting shed lol... The room is rarely used, so I have collapsed the bed for the spring as that room gets so much sun in the mornings...
As you can see I have everything to hand and once set the pots go to the left in front of the window. That pile of plastic is only part of what I have (guess who eats a lot of yoghurts and cottage cheese)-the bigger stuff and loo rolls etc are all out of the way until I need them, I got a waterproof potting mat to go under the bag of compost -having everything up there makes it so easy to get organised....
all my seeds live in the wooden boxes and this year Im using a big diary to track what i set, the germination rate, yield and the likes so i can see what things to miss out next year -Im becoming quite a nerd !!!


The Squirrel Family said...


You have nearly as much stuff as me

The new shed has been a great investment and helped me regain my kitchen

Hows the sweet potato doing??


MrsH said...

I have quite a bit still in the basement ;-) ..I smuggle it up in bits n bobs -so it doesn't look so bad.
I have one realy tall sweet potato slip that Im going to twist off and set in a tub tomorrow and keep him indoors and warm until its warm enough for him to go out ..then the other slips will have more time to catch up -hopefully.
I have loads more to set tomorrow.. and have set my sweetcorn and some of the salad leaves this evening all systems go isn't it lol