Thursday, February 26, 2009

one step closer

well, despite the grotty weather my hubby has got the final arch put up for my very own "Blue Peter style" brassica tunnel .... you will have to excuse the mess in the corner -i have been fetching pots out of the basement ready for a wash (if it ever stops raining)
I don't know where the idea came from... it just popped into my head (although trying to explain to hubby what i meant was a whole different thing)
so this is the start of it -Its pretty much 3 arches linking 6 crates, We are going to move them into the centre of the patio -then he is going to bridge the arches using spare poles from the arches to strengthen the whole thing. I have 4 mosquito net pannels from an old gazebo which I'm going to use to cover it -leaving one end to open and close -then I'm going to set a cucumber in each crate to climb the arch, and plant peppers and aubergines around the bottom -then I will have all that floor space to put the tubs with my brassicas in -the butterflies won't get me this year....
I'm hoping this works... the arches were only €2 each so its a nice MSE way of protecting my things ....
Ohhh and whilst I'm here -my sweet potato now has 9 spruts on -woohoo.....


Anonymous said...

Hi MrsM,
It's Cheerfulness from MSE. Love that idea of the arches and fully intend to steal it. :o)

Was just wondering.. will you pollinate the peppers, cues etc yourself as the insects can't get in or will they be fine.

Determined to have a great year after last years dismal failures. :o(

Take care.

MrsH said...

Hi Cheerfulness-hope you are all well....

Im really only trying to keep the bleep bleep butterflies out so when im popping in and out Im hoping the other bugs will get in -they managed to get in my other tent last year lol...
most of my cucumbers are self pollinating -but I believe that like tomatoes you can just "flick" the canes/supports to help pollination.

I hope this idea works for us all -Hubby has started securing mine with some really strong wire, and now I have 3 crates along each side and 2 pots inbetween -so It has grown a bit .... Hopefully we will get it finished on Saturday (weather permitting) -I will post "update pics" in case its any help to anyone,,,,